Local Assessment Data in Aspen
This blog post will explore the various facets of using Aspen to collect and analyze our local assessment data. This blog post will focus on the following concepts:
- How to access local help files for the assessment entry process.
- How to use the Local Assessment Names and Dates Google spreadsheet.
- How to enter local assessment data into Aspen.
- How to use the assessment history data in the Aspen school view.
If you need any additional assistance you can try to jump into a Google Meeting to get just-in-time assistance.
How to Enter Local Assessment Data in Aspen
The process for entering local assessment data is an easy process as long as you have everything you need to enter the data. You'll need the local assessment name, the locally assigned date for the assessment, and your scores. We use the locally assigned date for filtering purposes during data entry. The locally assigned date will not correspond with the date when your students took the assessment. Use the video below to review the process of entering local assessment data.
You can also use the district created print directions to assist you with the process of data entry in Aspen. You can also access the Google spreadsheet to assist you with the process for data entry.
Math Wizards Data Entry
Teachers can enter Math Wizards data directly into Aspen using the Local Assessment definition. We've created an assignment named, "Math Wizards". Teachers can enter the baseline score at the beginning of the school year and then enter data before the Math Wizards Celebration that takes place three times a year. You can use the video clip below to help with the process of entering Math Wizards data into the Local Assessment table in Aspen.
You can review the how to code the Math Wizards data in the sections below. Here is the way in which we will code that data:
(1) Please enter the last Math Wizards level the student has passed (not the one they are currently working on)!
(2) If you are an elementary teacher and your student is working on WIZARD LEVELS, please put a W in front of the level number to indicate that they are at a wizard level. (Ex. K students who passed the K level will get a W0. If they have not passed the level you can leave it blank... :) Grade 4 students who passed level 9 will get a W9. Any "half levels" that were added for multiplication and division will not be recorded here (this mostly applies to grade 3).
(3) If you are an elementary teacher and your student is working on MENTOR LEVELS please put an M in front of the level number to indicate that they are at a mentor level. (Ex. A student just passed mentor level 2 will get an M2.)
(4) If you are an elementary teacher and your student is working on DEERING LEVELS please put a D in front of the level number to indicate that they are working on Deering Levels.
(5) DEERING TEACHERS, please put a D in front of the level they last attained. (Ex. A student who passed level 7 will have a D7 in that column.)
Please enter the date information as follows: The first, baseline score can contain a 09/01/xxxx date. We will use September 1 as the initial baseline score. All other Math Wizards data can be entered using the date of entry. We will filter the scores for placement purposes in a similar fashion as our Running Records data. We will end up using September to November 30th as the Fall data entry period. December to February 28th will be used as the Winter data entry period, and March to the end of June will be used as the Spring data entry period. This information will be useful for placement purposes each June.
Adding Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) Data
Use the information in the video clip below to learn how to add SRSS data in Aspen. The WWPS collects this data to help us screen our students using the Student Risk Screening Scale. This scale allows teachers to rate their students on a series of possible externalized and internalized behaviors. Teachers use a 4-point Likert-type scale: never = 0, occasionally = 1, sometimes = 2, frequently = 3. The higher total point score indicates the degree of risk the student falls into. The chart below illustrates the cut scores for each level.
Please review the video clip to add student SRSS scores in Aspen.
Using the Filter Tools in Aspen to Review Student Data (Math Wizards)
One of the most helpful tools in Aspen is the ability to save a query as a saved filter. This allows educators to quickly filter useful information from our assessment data. Sometimes we can tens of thousands of data points in a single school and it's useful to be able to quickly filter information to match your needs. The video clip below explains how to use some of the filter tools in the Aspen assessment table to dig deeper into the Math Wizards assessment data.
Other Helpful Links
You might find some of the following links helpful or related to our Local Assessment data in Aspen.
- How to Enter, Query, and Analyze Running Record Data in Aspen.
- How to Enter Reading Foundation K-3 Assessment Data in Aspen.
- Print Directions to Create and Save a Query in Aspen
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