gScholar & Google Drive
gScholar is a fantastic tool for the 1:1 classroom. It provides teachers and students and easy, convenient mechanism to share Google docs. gScholar is connected directly to Google Drive, and it's important that teachers and students learn how to maneuver in Google Drive. I find the new look in Google Drive the easiest way to manage documents in Google Drive & gScholar. The short video below explains how to switch Google Drive to the "New Drive".
Once teachers and students switch over to the "New Drive" they can begin to make changes to their gScholar folders to better suit their needs. First let's take a look at gScholar and Google Drive from the teacher's perspective. The video clip below illustrates where teachers can find their gScholar folders, and how to change each folder to meet their needs.
Teachers can make changes to ensure that gScholar is easier for them to use, and accessible in their Google Drive. Students can make changes to their own Google Drive to ensure that their gScholar folders are easily accessible. Teachers may need to work with their students to ensure that they can make the necessary changes to their own Google Drive.
If you or your students need additional assistance with gScholar or Google Drive please send me an email.
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