I would like to start off by saying that both my wife and I are self-proclaimed workaholics. She's a 4th grade teacher in our district, and we often say that our home is one of the most dysfunctional in America for at least 10 months out of the year. It's not uncommon for both of us to be working into the wee hours of night on school related business. Our passion and dedication, and often times lack of balance leads us to the following question, "Why do we do what we do?"
Well today's Ed Tech Unconference was a wonderful reminder as to why we do what we do, and one answer to the question. Earlier this morning in Barrington, RI over 50 educators representing 9 different school districts shared, supported, wondered and celebrated with each other. In small pockets throughout the Barrington HS Library Media Center educators socialized their intelligence around a wide array of topics. It was a wonderful example as to how much we love learning; that learning is a social activity; and that with the right amount of gentle support we can learn virtually anything.
The Tech-Knowledge-Y Wrap at #edtechri |
I was proud to be one member of a rather large contingent of WWPS educators that made the long trek to ;) Barrington HS. The buzz in the room was palpable. It's just what I needed to help gear me up for the very busy days ahead of me and my educational community.
I'd like to thank the organizers, @GinoSangiuliano, @WriteS_olutions, and @lzmcquire for all of their hard work. It's a beautiful thing during the dog days of summer that one can get the gift of a reminder as to why we do what we do. Thanks!
The Organizers of Today's Ed Tech Unconference |
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